A day at the beach

I woke up under the weather to a semi empty apartment. Paul went for a run, D worked out and played basketball with Francesco from Parma (age 13), and Miss M is a night owl and doesn’t wake til late morning regardless of time zone.

On the way to the beach at 11:30, we stopped at the alimentari for Paul and D to get sandwiches. They are closed from 1-4pm each day. The alimentari has a sanitizer dispenser outside and a handwritten sign asking to limit the number of people who go in. We’ve seen a lot more people in southern Italy wearing masks compared to Rome. Entering stores, at restaurants, even occasionally on the beach.

This morning I waited outside the alimentari in a small sliver of shade while Paul and D got their sandwiches. The fruit stand man outside the alimentari noticed I wasn’t completely in the shade, came over to me, moved my water bottles and bag three inches more into the shade so I could be completely covered. So sweet.

The men and women coming in and out of the market all spent time conversing with him about his fruit. He noticed one peach with bruises and quickly called over to a little boy he called Julia to run the peach inside.

The Italian people love Paul. People have asked Paul for directions, guidance on parking, guidance on tourist attractions, and for cigarettes. He belongs here. Upon arriving at the beach, D went to find Francesco and Ricardo the life guard came over to chat with Paul. They talked about the “Dream Team,” he plays water polo, and is studying to become a physical therapist.

The other day walking the beach, D bopped Paul in the head with the beach ball, and an old woman stopped us. In her broken English she chuckled and said Paul was a “darling man.” I think she was trying to convey that any other Italian parent would have turned around and yelled at his kid, hand gestures, swears and all.

At the beach, there’s very cold fresh water from the mountains dumping into the ocean. Mini water falls and pools form at the base of the rocks which the borgo is built on top of. If you swim in that area, the water isn’t as salty and because of the fresh water combining there are pockets of cool water and warm water mixing together. There’s schools of large fish near where the cold water trickles into the sea, as they may enjoy the cooler temperature.

Around 2pm D went to the larger supermarket in town with the instructions of buying me something for lunch. He came back with 14 Euro worth of gelato and ice cream!

Miss M didn’t join us at the beach today. Elon announced dorm assignments today so she is excitedly watching videos, connecting with her suite mates, and planning what else we need to purchase before she departs in 30 days.

Around 4:30 or 5 the DJ arrived. Little kids and a handful of adult women danced on the beach following the DJs instructions.

I haven’t felt well all day and napped the rest of the afternoon/evening. Paul, D and Miss M enjoyed dinner at Al Vignale where they had frutti misto (Paul,) a plate for buffalo mozzetalla and prosciutto (D), and spaghetti with red sauce (Miss M.)

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