Alla Spiaggia

It’s our final full day in Minori and we have one thing on the agenda: spiaggia (beach). In the morning, we fed potato chips to the swans, seagulls and ducks who have been nesting in the water and rocks outside our apartment. A man came by and fed them stale cornetti (croissants) which they liked a lot better.

Big D walked to the Bar Antares and bought himself two chocolate cornetti to enjoy at the beach club. I missed morning mass at the basilica but explored the inside afterwards visiting the crypt of Saint Trofimena, the patron saint of Minori.

Paul, Big D and I played in the ocean which is more crowded today being that it’s Sunday. When Miss M awoke it was almost lunchtime! We all spent time on the beach, cooling off in the water, and eating panini and fried fish for lunch.

We came to Italy with one ball (Big D’s basketball) and we’re leaving Minori with three. We’ve purchased two types of beach balls here, one of which is very popular on the coast. It’s an orange ball with the label “Super Santos” so the kids have named the ball “Amelia” in honor of Miss M’s good friend with the same surname. All week the kids have played “Seven Push” in the water with anyone who wants to join them, adults and kids.

It’s 5:30pm as I’m writing this part of the blog and literally Big D has spent a grand total of two minutes out of the water and it’s only because I forced him to take a few bites of his sandwich.

At 6pm, the cruise ships that we have seen in the distance sounded their horns as they left, and it started to sprinkle. God is sad that it’s almost time for us to leave Minori.

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