Sweet 16

Today Paul and I celebrated 16 years of marriage. All day the kids have insisted that we go out “on a date” in recognition of this milestone, so after some coaxing we took them up on it. Bought some sushi at the local market for the kids to enjoy back at the apartment, and we headed out to Tapas 24 for a delicious dinner: zucchini flowers stuffed with bacala, eggs and potatoes with Iberian ham, sausage  with honey on tomato toasts, and a mini foie gras burger with foie spread that melted in your mouth. Located only a few blocks from our apartment and down a set of stairs….so glad we took the time for dinner just the two of us, and the kids needed the break too. 

After dinner, we grabbed the kids and headed to the legendary Granja Viader for hot chocolate and churros. Unfortunately the place was closing shortly so there were no more churros. 

We strolled back to the apartment – another end to a great day. 

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1 Response to Sweet 16

  1. Papa says:

    16 Years….say it ain’t so!

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