Spanish steps, Borghese gardens and more

Hot, hot, hot! The weather has averaged 96F every day in Rome. We’re taking advantage of all the “nasoni” around the city dispensing cold water, and of course had gelato again at one of the oldest gelaterias in Rome, Giolitti (flavors ranging from champagne, pear, chocolate, mint, strawberry and more.)

We took our first taxi to the Spanish Steps so the kids could run up and down the steps attempting to come up with the same count. Grandma and I shopped the Via Condotti browsing stores including Loro Piana and making some purchases at Stefanel which you can find around the globe even Armenia but none in the U.S.)

We then walked over to the Borghese Gardens (more akin to Central Park than a botanical garden) where we strolled the park and ultimately rented two golf carts to drive around the park for an hour – the place was so big, it was so hot, and everyone needed a break!

After a brief lunch stop (where Big D was perplexed that the restaurant split his hot dog and panini-pressed his bun) we went to Piazza del Popolo where the kids climbed each of the four lion fountains surrounding the obelisk, and Grandma and Papa caught an air conditioned taxi back to the apartment. The four of us walked down the Via del corso hopping in and out of stores (including another Stefanel) all in the direction of Giolitti, one of the oldest gelaterias in Rome located between the Pantheon and Parliament. We continued to browse shops en route back to the apartment where we enjoyed a brief rest, and Paul ran around the corner to Un Filetto di Baccala where the two old ladies deep fry baccala (salt cod) and they only open at 6p on specific nights. 4.50 euro to take-away and you walk through the store right up to the entrance of the kitchen and hand the ladies cash for your baccala which is then deep fried and wrapped in paper. Costs 5 euro to sit at a small table and order other items including a plate of beans, anchovies, etc. It’s definitely right up Grandma’s alley! Went back later in the evening to get some pics of the ladies in the kitchen and Mary Ann at the entrance (see below.)

Food report: dinner tonight at Da Pasquino near Piazza Navona where the kids inhaled their spaghetti carbonara, grandma enjoyed her eggplant Parmesan, Paul’s primi of stuffed squash flours were good, but he makes them better at home.
Had post-dinner gelato in Piazza Navona with tonight’s flavors including fragola (strawberry), banana, amarena (black cherry), apricot and more.

Side note: the kids have taken all of the site seeing and walking in stride. They are enjoying finding SPQRs everywhere, and Miss M is very interested in the whole industry where people are hawking roses, light up toys, purses, wallets, a splat gel toy that makes noise, a sun shade umbrella (which we purchased), and a ton of other crap. She’s watched the police chase after them outside the Coliseum, she sees them at the Trevi fountain and near the Spanish Steps, and it’s been interesting to explain to her why they are not allowed to sell things, but there are vendors with kiosks selling postcards and calendars and such.















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6 Responses to Spanish steps, Borghese gardens and more

  1. Aunt Louise says:

    Buon giorno! I’m enjoying your blog, seeing all of the familiar places in Rome and reminiscing about being there 35 years ago — makes me wish I was there with you. You are really taking it all in and your pictures are great!! Love to all. Aunt Louise

  2. Lorraine Viviano says:

    It is great to read blog and look at your pictures. Wish I was there again! Have a great time!

    Lorraine Viviano

  3. I look forward to reading your blog every day and love your photos. Feel like I am there with you. Hopefully the heat will let up and give you a break. Love to everyone, Elaine

    • Donna Lilla says:

      This blog is so great. It’s nice to get on every morning to see what you guys are doing. Miss you. Love, Donna

  4. Diane Rocco says:

    I’m just about ready to hop on a plane at Logan and join you guys……it looks so familiar, how can I be getting home sick for Rome? You all look like your embracing everything Rome has to offer!
    Essere sicuri, godere di ogni momento e mantenere il sangue freddo! xoxo Diane

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